Friday, November 22, 2013

Getting Courage!

One weakness God has had to deal with in every man in whose life He does a work of any magnitude is fear. God has always spoken a fear not to His men. He told Abraham to fear not. He told Isaac to fear not. He told Jacob to fear not. He told Joshua to fear not. He told the prophets to fear not. He told the Apostles to fear not. He is saying to you too to fear not. FEAR NOT IS A LANGUAGE OF GOD.
Some one once said that there are 365 fear nots in the bible. A fear not for each day.
Fear wasn't originally a part of human nature. Fear resulted from the fall of man in the garden. After Adam fell in disobedience to God, he began to use the language of fear. He told God, ' I heard your voice and was afraid...'
Every one who has done anything of worth have acted in the opposite direction of their fear. They moved against the torrent of their fear.
In contrast to fear Jesus says to you:
Have faith
Be strong and courageous
Be as bold as a lion.
Only believe!
Friends, never never let fear stop you. HAVE FAITH

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