Friday, November 22, 2013


God created the form of a man from the dust of the earth. At that point it was still just a form. Nothing more, just a form of God's dream-man. A lot of people's dream isn't anything more than that. Just dreams. A lot of people's written goals isn't more than that. Just written goals. But we are shown a very important principle in Genesis chapter 2 on how to give life to your dreams.
God breath into his DREAM-man, and it became a living soul. Wow! God's dream leap into being when God breadth into it. Your dream too can leap into being. It will come alive!
God breadth the Spirit of life into into His dream. Jesus said His spoken words are Spirit and life or Spirit of life. Since spoken words are spirit of life or breadth of life, then it must mean that God simply spoke life into His dream and it came into being.
As dreamers and Visionaries, we must learn to constantly speak life into our dreams. Speak life into your written goals. When you do, they get translated from being just written goals to living realities! Your goals become animated when you speak life into them. SPEAK LIFE CONSTANTLY INTO YOUR DREAMS AND LIFE GOALS BY CALLING THOSE THINGS THAT BE NOT AS THOU THEY WERE.

The second time we see God breathing life  was in John chapter 20. He breadth on the 12 Apostles. Here He was also teaching and important principle. As people on a mission, we constantly need to be around people that will breath life into us just like Jesus did with those 12 men on a mission. We can't afford to ever run out of inspiration. We can't run on empty. We need to hang around people that will constantly breadth life into us. One of the most important relationships to keep is with people who can INSPIRE us. People whose words energizes us and clarify our vision. People who can INSPIRE us.

Getting Courage!

One weakness God has had to deal with in every man in whose life He does a work of any magnitude is fear. God has always spoken a fear not to His men. He told Abraham to fear not. He told Isaac to fear not. He told Jacob to fear not. He told Joshua to fear not. He told the prophets to fear not. He told the Apostles to fear not. He is saying to you too to fear not. FEAR NOT IS A LANGUAGE OF GOD.
Some one once said that there are 365 fear nots in the bible. A fear not for each day.
Fear wasn't originally a part of human nature. Fear resulted from the fall of man in the garden. After Adam fell in disobedience to God, he began to use the language of fear. He told God, ' I heard your voice and was afraid...'
Every one who has done anything of worth have acted in the opposite direction of their fear. They moved against the torrent of their fear.
In contrast to fear Jesus says to you:
Have faith
Be strong and courageous
Be as bold as a lion.
Only believe!
Friends, never never let fear stop you. HAVE FAITH