Saturday, June 18, 2011


Everyone has got buried within him, lasting solution to  aching cris somewhere. No one is  empty.
By design, every one has got a value to add. This in turns brings rich fulfillment and commands amazing rewards.
Wondering what you have got to offer? I wil help. I have a simple formular to help you take inventory of yourself, and help you resolve once and for all that you are more that you know, because yo hold such an unimaginable potential.
I will use a simple acronym i call SHAPE. this concept was made vibrant within me, by the best seling author, Rick warren.
S, stands for your spiritual gift. You have got a gift of grace imparted in to you as  a result of your relationship with Christ. God expects you to minister it. As you take on differnt ministry reponsibilities, you will ultimately come to find where you are best gifeted. Flow in it, and you will turn out an amazing blessing to others.
H atands for your heart. What have you got a heart for. What is your passion. What is your motivations. What is your motive. Encapsulated in your passion is God's calling upon your life. yo must follow your heart with dogged commitment.
A, is your abilities. What can you do naturally? What have you learnt to do? The skills of a man brings him success. your skills and ability. be they natural or learnt abilities are the edge with which you cut in life. Get skilled. Enhance your skills and charge forward.
P is for your personality. A lot of peoples personality has been the key that opened doors of opportunities. No matter how you are, you will sell if yopu know how to brand yurself.
E are your eperiences. Turn your eperiences into assets. a lot have turn their grace to grass experiences into assets. others have sieze the market with a grace to grass experience. The key is to extract the lessons from the experiences, and then tell the lessons.
Start today to begin to tae inventory of yoursef. Passionately pray to God to give you insights into his gifts and calling upon you. Brand yourself. Create the market for what you have got. This will gretly bless your world and bring glory to God.

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